Sentence examples for professional attention from inspiring English sources


The persistent tremor also draws Perowne's professional attention.

Goldman's online presence has needed some professional attention.

Determined to change things for children like Susie, and their parents, Lorna switched her professional attention.

The permanent collection and art conservation were getting professional attention, finally.

Dawkins, the drummer, sits down beside me on the sofa, hands clasped in an attitude of professional attention.

While these coping mechanisms may work for a while, then can become problematic and require professional attention.

Too little academic and professional attention has been paid to the design and evaluation of police hate crime training.

We all improved markedly in a week's time from the personal professional attention, as did the children.

Yet, the suffering of a patient who doesn't have the symptoms required to qualify for a diagnosis is no less real and no less worthy of professional attention.

And then there's the musician and protoconceptualist George Brecht (1926-2008), who enjoyed a healthy lifespan and some professional attention but who gives history the slip.

Similarly, pain that wakes you at night or does not go away in a week deserves professional attention, Dr. Turner and others said.

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Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak

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