Sentence examples for produce tangible results from inspiring English sources

"produce tangible results" is a correct and usable phrase in written English.
It means to achieve or create outcomes that are visible, measurable, or concrete. Example: Our advertising campaign has successfully produced tangible results, with a significant increase in sales and brand awareness.


Creative thinking is a matter of using intrinsic resources to produce tangible results.

Reductions in class sizes have failed to produce tangible results in the form of higher grades.

That kind of insight into how grant-making can produce tangible results has been the Holy Grail of nonprofit evaluators.

Strong educational institutions foster the development of skills citizens need to innovate and produce tangible results, bolstering economies and sustaining progress.

But he had to produce tangible results in return for the allegiance of his followers, and the colonial government in Kenya was still dominated by unyielding settler interests.

But there can be a fresh start only if both sides are ready to rebuild trust and purpose, and to produce tangible results on issues that really matter.

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Some tests have already produced tangible results.

Still, the program has produced tangible results.

A credible demonstration of will has produced tangible results.

Only now has the legal pressure produced tangible results.

Last year, those projects — other than the fund-raising for Anthology — produced tangible results.

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