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Woods and Atwal have practiced regularly at Isleworth since Atwal moved into the neighborhood in 2005.
As with any other form of exercise, tai chi must be practiced regularly and indefinitely to maintain its value.
Walsh adds: "These techniques are simple to learn and can be practiced regularly until they feel natural.
Mindfulness is a skill that has to be practiced regularly and over the long term to realise the most benefit.
If practiced regularly, proponents report it develops "in the moment" and non-judgemental attention which prevents people becoming caught up in anxious or depressive thoughts.
It took two long seasons, but Doscher has practiced regularly and without pain, and Hameline's offense has operated the way it was designed.
He is still not practicing regularly with the club.
He emphasized the need for Bradshaw (5 feet 10 inches, 214 pounds) to be able to practice regularly.
As a result, critics say, the board is too deferential to the small number of lawyers and financial consultants who practice regularly before it.
JAGUARS' BRACKENS OUT FOR YEAR: Tony Brackens decided to end his season yesterday because his injured knee kept him from practicing regularly or playing up to his standards.
This made it possible for organists to practice regularly on the organ.
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @