Sentence examples for pose a significant risk to from inspiring English sources

"pose a significant risk to" is a correct and usable phrase in written English.
You can use this phrase when discussing potential risks or dangers associated with something. For example, "The new chemical compound poses a significant risk to public health."


A judge will have ruled that they pose a significant risk to the public.

We're trying to find students who pose a significant risk to our community".

A man said to pose a "significant risk to children" is being hunted by police.

The network is conducting an extensive cleanup to remove them even though they do not pose a significant risk to workers.

Simon Hales of the World Health Organisation told the conference that widespread population movement would also pose a significant risk to global health.

The organisations advised that the proposed facility would not pose a significant risk to the heath of local residents or to the environment.

Also, despite an F.D.A. warning that a sibutramine-laced "Brazilian Slimming Coffee" may pose a "significant risk" to some U.S. consumers, the product is still widely available online.

Police have warned that "legal highs" sold at the Parklife music festival pose "a significant risk to life" after five people became ill.

Banks that would pose a significant risk to the financial system if they collapsed would be subject to stringent capital and liquidity standards.

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He was subsequently assessed as posing a "significant risk" to others.

Do you believe the swine flu pandemic posed a significant risk to Britain?

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