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Free sign up'plethora of ways' is correct and usable in written English.
It is an idiomatic expression that means a large, often excessive number of ways. For example, "There is a plethora of ways to make money online."
West Side Stories: the Making of a Classic (BBC2) threw up a plethora of ways to ensure that 2017 effaces the memory of 2016.
Yale economist William D. Nordhaus outlined the plethora of ways different fallout scenarios from the Iraq war could weigh on the global economy in a December 2002 article in the New York Review of Books.
This is why the onus has to be on the social worker to consider a plethora of ways to engage with young people and to fully explore the notion of emotional support.
He's also willing to respond to some of the criticism that has come Rovio's way in recent times, including the distinctly-mixed critical reception for Angry Birds Go! with its timers restricting how much people can play in a single session, and the plethora of ways to pay via in-app purchases.
Add flames and explosions There are a plethora of ways you can use VIdeoFX Live on your iPhone, covering green screen effects, frames that border your video and so on, but the flame and explosion filters are some of the most dramatic tools.
Polyoxometalates can be reduced in a plethora of ways, for example photochemically [31], through 60Co-γ radiolysis [32], electrolytically [33], and with reductants [34].
The plethora of different ways to book travel means that it is hard to track actual costs and carbon emissions.
Glass (and other wearable technologies) bring up a plethora of new ways of breaching etiquette, allowing technology to come in between us (physically or metaphorically) and changing the way we interact.
The plethora of new ways to express those thoughts can only enrich this age-old culture.
Nobody really saw this coming, but CES saw the introduction of a plethora of new ways to get around.
For the third day running the points leader was part of the day's main escape, but he finished second again, and is showing the same ability as last year to miss out on victory on a near-daily basis in a plethora of different ways.
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @