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Mr. Kelly is already making sure that nothing is overlooked.
"They will continue the searches of areas to be sure nothing is overlooked," he said.
It is all meticulously planned and nothing is overlooked and nothing is missed.
It may be a straightforward process, but it's also a time-consuming one that requires considerable attention to detail to ensure that nothing is overlooked.
They should expect, if anything, to receive too much attention, with waves of doctors and residents prodding and questioning to make sure that nothing is overlooked.
"In a tough market, nothing is overlooked," he said as he examined a shallow hole near the front door where a tree had been planted.
As a result even the smallest detail made its point, and Kildea's urgent, vivid conducting made sure nothing was overlooked.
Both performances were remarkable for their attention to detail and surefooted sense of shape; there was nothing flashy about either the playing or conducting, but nothing was overlooked.
Nothing was overlooked, and the rooms were redone in style and with swank oversized luxury bathrooms, many featuring jumbo soaking tubs within rain shower enclosures.
Nothing was overlooked.
This was an extra safeguard in our hospital that nothing be overlooked or missed that could make the conclusion that a patient was brain dead invalid.
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @