Sentence examples for modifications are done from inspiring English sources


Following with the operation, modifications are done and repetitive members replace missing ones.

These modifications are done manually which involves huge time, cost and other resources.

These techniques are designed by finding a model for cover images, and embedding modifications are done in such a way that this model is preserved.

Using the first and higher order shear deformation theories, some modifications are done to include the effects of transverse shear deformation.

However, if modifications are done, conflicts may arise and they need to be identified and resolved.


All structural modifications were done using ADT.

These tools can be used industry-wide with only minor modifications being done by each user.

Structure modifications were done to improve the ability of EA to inhibit GSTpi activity.

Modifications were done by impregnating ceramic powder with 1 8% sulphuric acid aqueous solutions.

Modifications were done in the injection system and operating conditions to improve the power output and fuel consumption.

This group was not considered in the results; and final modifications were done based on the response of such pilot survey.

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Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak

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