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The phrase "minimize inconvenience" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it when you want to express the idea of taking measures to reduce a problem or make something more convenient to an individual or group of people. For example, "We are doing our best to minimize inconvenience to the local residents while we carry out the roadworks."
The new bridge -- actually two spans, one in each direction -- will be built beside the old one to minimize inconvenience.
The Long Island Rail Road plans to operate our normal service into and out of Penn Station during the convention, and we will do everything possible to minimize inconvenience.
To minimize inconvenience to you, we have arranged for your Login ID and Rondee On Demand PINs to work with InstantConference, a highly reputable conference calling service.
We appreciate your patience as we launch this new service, and are working hard to minimize inconvenience caused by this service interruption.
To minimize inconvenience to the employer, invitations were promptly declined as employers who contacted an applicant were contacted via email and told that the applicant had accepted another position and was no longer looking for employment.
Efficient methods to convey complicated concepts during the informed process are required to minimize inconvenience for research participants.
Mr. Osório says officials are using the operations center to try to minimize inconveniences as well as to attract investment.
While Governor Whitman has made some policy and personnel changes to minimize inconveniences, recent polls suggest that New Jerseyans, with a love of sport utility vehicles and disdain toward car pooling, might have added patience when it comes to waiting in line for the sake of clean air.
A secondary but still important RCP goal is to minimize inconveniences to residents from too much or too little water.
Judge Sullivan said the government had a legitimate interest in ensuring public safety, alleviating congestion and minimizing inconvenience for commuters, businesses and residents.
Heart transplants almost always occur at night to prevent disruption of hospital's elective operative schedules, minimizing inconvenience to their own patients and staff.
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @