Sentence examples for mid to late september from inspiring English sources

'mid to late September' is correct and can be used in written English.
For example: 'The new school year usually starts in mid to late September.'.


Queue a bookings onslaught of Easyjet flights to Venice around mid to late September.

(Male elks go courting with bugling sounds in mid to late September to early October).

August Diplomas - are mailed in mid to late September to the address specified in the students' record as their HOME address.

Typically the Arctic sea-ice minimum occurs in mid to late September and the signs so far suggest a lean year.

close to zero". He said the peak risk period at Morgan was mid- to late September, shortly after contaminated mail passed through the facility.

The other 50% of wheat acres are planted after harvest of either vegetable crops (peas, green beans, sweet corn) or spring grains (oats and spring barley), typically in mid to late September because of the earlier harvest of these crops.

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In all other years, samples were collected from early to late April through mid to late October.

It is mid to late May.

Attend the Orientation in mid to late August.

Their babies are born in mid to late June.

And during peak leaf-peeping season, usually mid to late October, things are even better.

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