Sentence examples for local expertise from inspiring English sources

"local expertise" is a perfectly acceptable and commonly used phrase in written English.
You can use it when referring to knowledge of an area that is specific to a particular location or region. For example, "Having lived in the area for many years, I am able to call upon my local expertise when planning outdoor activities for my guests."


More locally generated data is needed, as is improved infrastructure, and increased local expertise.

It's also the cost of losing local expertise.

This requires engaging local expertise in defining sustainability.

Program staff have to have local expertise and knowledge.

Construction loans, however, needed local expertise and were not easy to standardize.

Local expertise can also be essential when it comes to assessing security issues.

For Les Halles, Mr. Nouvel chose to build upon his local expertise.

This banking service would be fair and it would provide both local expertise and national linking.

So Disraeli used local expertise to provide local solutions to local problems.

"ToughStuff benefit from their local expertise, but we also pass on our sales knowledge," comments Bamber.

Technical and local expertise accounts for much of a company's value.

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