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Investors aren't keen on business plan entrepreneurs.
Matsepang says her husband was "experienced in financial matters", keen on business ventures and always searching out new ways to earn more money.
Gérald has taken over many of his father's responsibilities in Belgium, but he is said to be less keen on business than Frère senior.
While smaller companies are more open to hiring young scientists with little or no experience, larger companies are keen on business and investment experience.
The word is that Balls is none too keen on business-bashing.
Only this time, Jimmy isn't too keen on their business; he knows what a good deal Kim has negotiated for them.
For one thing, Glastonbury famously doesn't pay the kind of sky-high fees that you can expect at similar events; and the Stones are famously keen on the business of making money.
The only thing holding this back right now are Facebook themselves, who seem keen on preserving a business relationship and casting Hewitt off as a rogue.
European giants such as Ciba, Bayer and Clariant are also keen on consolidating this $15 billion business, so Bulriss may find himself outbid for the best deals.
Now, Shopify offers the ability to just sell offline, which is something McNamara said has been a request from merchants eager to sell but not yet too keen on building an online business.
Mr Timimi explained that Google's latest venture could also help it better market its other services such as AdWords to businesses keen on boosting their online presence.
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @