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Sentence examples for it is essential to acknowledge from inspiring English sources

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The phrase "it is essential to acknowledge" is a perfectly correct and usable phrase in written English. It is typically used to express the importance of recognizing or accepting an idea, issue, or opinion before taking further action. For example, "It is essential to acknowledge that global warming is a real phenomenon that is caused by human activity."

exact (14)

For effective adoption of water demand management it is essential to acknowledge this political dimension.

Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A-B-C

It is essential to acknowledge that journeying into terra incognita is a danger sport.

To the Editor: We applaud Carlo Strenger's observation that it is essential to acknowledge the role of raw emotion at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Henley will also highlight another select committee recommendation which said "while it is essential to acknowledge the prevailing financial climate, we would be disappointed if the Arts Council saw any further fall in its grant in aid".

Even so, it is essential to acknowledge that the cost of treating an HCV infection is changing rapidly as a direct consequence of the emergence of more effective treatments that tend to be shorter and significantly more expensive.

Dream Team Los Angeles viewed president Obama's State of the Union address as well as the Republican response and we feel that it is essential to acknowledge their failure to address immigration other than in passing.

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It was essential to acknowledge the emerging American literary tradition, but who trumps whom?

At the outset, it's essential to acknowledge the far-reaching importance of the eavesdropping article's content to Times readers and to the rest of the nation.

Any of these privileges, I think it's essential to acknowledge them, and acknowledge all of the opportunities and imbalances that end up tipping in your favor.

2 The sociocultural heterogeneity within the Middle-Eastern community is essential to acknowledge, especially because religious beliefs impose dietary restrictions and may influence psychosocial factors related to health in Arab Muslims.

On the advice of Williams, Gordon-Cumming left Tranby Croft early the following morning, 11 September; he left behind a letter to Mary Wilson apologising for his early departure, and one for Williams, again stating his innocence, but acknowledging that "it is essential to avoid an open row and the scandal arising therefrom".

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