Sentence examples for it does seem possible that from inspiring English sources


The carpet is so matted, threadbare and cruddy-looking, it does seem possible that Salinger walked on it.

Statistically speaking, it does seem possible that there was at least one dangerous person in the arena.

It does seem possible that the CFA could have had an effect, although the result would also reflect the new personal vote for Sarah Henderson, who was elected for the first time in 2013.

Scientists disagree about whether there's a biological limit to human life expectancy, but it does seem possible that we're approaching a sort of sociological limit here in the U.S. Justin Denney, assistant professor of sociology at Rice University, has studied the ways that certain health issues disproportionately affect the most disadvantaged people in this country.

Coburn is not equating that experience with an election loss — the pain and anguish of politics being less than that of war — but it does seem possible that crushing imprisonment and a very public defeat could be traumatic in similar ways.

"If we can agree that delays, stalemates and obstructionism have been a recurrent theme of this electoral process, it does seem possible that this pattern extends to the political negotiations that will accompany the creation of a new government, whoever the winning candidate will be," he said.

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I picked at my food, nodding that, yes, I liked the wine, and, yes, I understood it was hard to select a wine that would complement our different meals and I'm sorry I wouldn't order the veal but I just couldn't and I thought the wine was fine with my pasta and vegetables and julienne of hot peppers, and, yes, it did seem possible that we might be the most attractive couple there.

But it does seem possible to conclude, with cautious optimism, that America is somewhat safer.

Responding to the first of these, some have argued that it does seem possible to critique existing practices of holding responsible from standpoints outside them.

But what does seem possible is that, by exposing the shallowness of contemporary liberalism, the novel plays on a set of anxieties that many British people feel.

That did seem possible.

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