Sentence examples for is being discontinued from inspiring English sources


Both the RAD-Q and the RAD-I have 2 sections: one to assess reasons for antipsychotic discontinuation (administered only if treatment is being discontinued) and the other to assess reasons for antipsychotic continuation (administered only if treatment is continuing).

It is being discontinued.

CLA's AIM quote is being discontinued.

(The Plymouth brand is being discontinued).

The Elise's Toyota-supplied engine is being discontinued.

Quinnopolis vs. Hamlet will be the last production of the group, however, which is being discontinued.

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Print editions are being discontinued.

No "operations will be shut down and no products being are being discontinued," Ms. O'Halloran said.

But these are being discontinued by the publisher and we support their decision.

Where will I get parts for vehicles like Pontiacs that are being discontinued?

In Colorado, regulators said small-group plans covering 143,000 people are being discontinued in 2014.

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