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Sentence examples for irresistible sweetness from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 2 )

This wasn't, perhaps, the neatest performance of the many that Alexander Toradze has given, but it was exhilarating nonetheless, containing flashes of irresistible sweetness among the whizzes and bangs.

Mated with the game's irresistible sweetness, the outcome is a game-world which is truly universal in its appeal – the youngest children and grizzliest hardcore gamers alike will be held equally rapt by its charms.

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similar ( 56 )

My sweet, sweet, sweetness.

Approached in the wrong mood, Proof of Youth is exhausting; otherwise its sweetness is irresistible.

With great pride, our "butler" Atheef is describing the utter deliciousness, the supreme sweetness, the irresistible flavour and vast superiority of the Maldivian mango.

Their sweetness was so irresistible that we stopped in the same place three days later on the way back.

"They are not only funny, but have a genuine sweetness that is irresistible," Alterman wrote me in an email.

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