Sentence examples for industry enthusiast from inspiring English sources


Jonathan McDowell, renowned Harvard astrophysicist and space industry enthusiast, said the announcement suggested China had lost control of the station and that it would re-enter the Earth's atmosphere "naturally".

The oil industry enthusiast took one look at all the devastation and found his heart swelling with pride, as he told the Dallas Morning News: "As we saw that thing bubbling out, blossoming out – all that energy, every minute of every hour of every day of every week – that was tremendous to me.


All participate in the Net Positive Group, a coalition of a dozen industry enthusiasts coordinated by Forum for the Future which last April published a report on the business benefits of net positive strategies.

That's why Rothenberg could win big in virtual reality: it's an industry of enthusiasts.

And even more surprising: one-in-five are what the industry calls "enthusiasts".

But there are plenty of other career options within the industry for wine enthusiasts.

There had been "a cottage-enthusiast industry copying them over the last fifteen years," he went on.

In a 1938 treatise, Hugo Sommer, a Wisconsin professor of "dairy industry" mocked "sentimental enthusiasts" who were suspicious of commercial ice cream's texture.

The festival is an annual gathering for film industry insiders, cinema enthusiasts, filmmakers and critics and is a major launching ground for the fall season's most talked-about films.

"We're also seeing lots of tech firms who are coming to work with designers so that the tech that they have can be put into really beautiful products and that's an exciting moment for us," Rush told the summit attendees, a mixture of industry insiders and enthusiasts from the tech, retail, marketing and fashion sectors.

The strict geographic borders of the mobile industry often keep enthusiasts from their dream phones.

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