The sentence 'has been finished successfully' is correct and can be used in written English. You could use it when you want to indicate that something has been completed in a successful manner. For example: "The project has been finished successfully, and is now ready for review.".
Specifically, this KPI can be calculated as the ratio between the number of HOs that have been finished successfully and the total number of HO attempts.
This indicator shows the percentage of HOs that have been finished successfully and may point out if the related HO configuration parameters are correctly configured or there is a mobility problem in the network, e.g., too late HO problem.
The proof has been finished.
//inform user when download has been finished.
And the proof has been finished.
Preliminary design of ITER Radial X-ray CameRXC(RXC) has been finished.
At present, its conceptional and physical designs have been finished.
Thanks to Ludwig my first paper got accepted! The editor wrote me that my manuscript was well-written
Listya Utami K.
PhD Student in Biology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia