Sentence examples for guidance and encouragement from inspiring English sources


We will miss your guidance and encouragement.

With her guidance and encouragement, Mr. Christian applied to Horace Mann and was accepted.

Reverend Church served as Chairman and on the Board of Directors providing leadership, guidance and encouragement.

A wise woman who gave guidance and encouragement at just the right time.

She has a unique way of combining flawless professionalism with warm guidance and encouragement.

Each day includes practical exercises and writing sessions, where you'll receive guidance and encouragement from our enthusiastic tutors.

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She will be remembered for her love, kindness, generosity, guidance, support, and encouragement.

Your academic advisor is here to provide guidance, advice, and encouragement, and help you with important steps like selecting classes and applying for internships.

But far too many low-income youth lack the social networks to provide the guidance, connections, and encouragement they need to succeed.

With Ms. Matthews's expert guidance and peppy encouragement, homeowners try to carry out renovations that will lead to profit when they sell their house.

He was co-supervisor for a number of PhD students, who will sadly miss his expert guidance and warm encouragement.

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Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak quote

Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak

CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @

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