Sentence examples for financial means from inspiring English sources

"financial means" is a correct and usable term in written English.
You could use it to refer to the resources and methods of obtaining money and other forms of material possessions. For example: "He had sufficient financial means to purchase a new car."


People with the financial means are fighting, too.

"High-fliers" had both academic skills and financial means.

Limited financial means should not mean limited health care.

Yet I don't have the financial means of other parents.

I simply don't have the financial means to do it.

We will have to come up with financial means.

Either way, the upkeep of the collection requires financial means.

Financial means was not a significant determinant in the choice of contraceptives.

A compensation fund could give more victims the financial means to put their lives back together.

However, many island residents lack the financial means to facilitate such a move.

For those with the financial means, getting away mentally usually entails getting away corporeally.

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