Sentence examples for feel the weight of responsibility from inspiring English sources

The phrase "feel the weight of responsibility" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it to emphasize the sense that someone has a responsibility that is heavy and difficult to bear. For example, "As a leader in her community, Maria felt the weight of responsibility to do what was best for her constituents."


I feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders.

It alone seems to feel the weight of responsibility to hold the organisation together.

My drinking and partying stopped and I began to feel the weight of responsibility as you continued.

Did you feel the weight of responsibility during that last ever Apollo mission?

Single mothers in particular feel the weight of responsibility managing so much on their own: "A lot rides on my shoulders.

Dressed in their best clothes, side by side with adult MPs, the young people, elected to represent their districts for a three-year term, already feel the weight of responsibility on their shoulders.


We'd like to bring the idea that life is fragile and there are a lot of things making us feel the weight of responsibilities.

Biggs says she has felt the "weight of responsibility for an historic institution".

There have been times since that call when I've felt the weight of responsibility, and the sting of unkind speculation about my marriage.

I felt the weight of responsibility involved in giving her the best life possible.

I certainly felt the weight of responsibility in telling these real stories from real people ― giving voice to the unheard.

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