Sentence examples for exploit the benefit from inspiring English sources

The phrase "exploit the benefit" is grammatically correct and can be used in written English.
It means to take advantage of or use a benefit or advantage for one's own gain. Example: The company was able to increase their profits by exploiting the benefit of tax breaks offered by the government.


As a result, we consider the direct link in our analysis and exploit the benefit provided by the relay channel in terms of diversity.

In order to fully exploit the benefit of the lower-power nodes in the HetNet, a method of cell range expansion is developed.

Hence, having a suitable transceive beamforming, one can exploit the benefit of beamforming-based physical layer network coding for non-regenerative single group multi-way relaying as proposed in [20].

To fully exploit the benefit of 3D-ICs, future 3D-IC designs are expected to have significantly complex architectures and integration levels that would be associated with very high power dissipation and heat density.

In order to exploit the benefit of simultaneous transmissions provided by MIMO, researchers have proposed a number of cross-layer optimizations and MAC layer designs to increase the throughput of wireless mesh or ad hoc networks, where the number of elements in the antenna arrays are pre-allocated or evenly assigned to the routers.

Based on that scheme, we developed a strategy to fully exploit the benefit of this data-knowledge integrated approach.

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It cannot be to take advantage of the NHS or to exploit the benefits system.

Andersen's efforts to exploit the benefits of consulting contributed to its split from Andersen Consulting, a former sister company now known as Accenture.

Assuming that autonomous vehicles make journeys quicker and use road space more efficiently, how should planners exploit the benefits of automation?

Similarly, the kinetic asymmetry should be as large as possible to exploit the benefits of crossover.

These results demonstrate that RXIO can effectively exploit the benefits of RDMA for GridFTP.

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