Sentence examples for excited about the new challenges from inspiring English sources

The phrase 'excited about the new challenges' is grammatically correct and can be used in written English.
For example, you might write: "I am so excited about the new challenges that this upcoming job will bring!".


"Our coaches and student-athletes across our athletic programs are truly excited about the new challenges ahead".


"I did not go seeking this opportunity, but I am excited about the new challenge it offers to find ways to promote strong rural policy".

"Whilst I'm sad to be leaving my home county, I'm very excited about the new challenge ahead.

"I've really enjoyed my time at Glasgow and I've made a lot of good friends, but I'm excited about this new challenge of playing in the Premiership with Newcastle Falcons.

I'm mad excited about this new challenge and we'll see what the season brings".

"It's in the past now and I have to look to the future and a new challenge and I'm excited about the new season".

"I am really excited about this new challenge," Jones said.

"I'm excited about this new challenge," Mr. Pawlenty said in a statement.

He was excited about this new challenge, he recalled: "I had great expectations".

"I'm really excited about this new challenge," said Jones.

"They were excited about the new school".

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