Sentence examples for excellent track record from inspiring English sources

The phrase "excellent track record" is correct and can be used in written English.
It is often used to describe the success or accomplishments of a person or organization. For example, "The company has an excellent track record for providing quality customer service."


Facebook has an excellent track record in innovation.

EACH program has an excellent track record on accuracy.

Tanglewood has a limited but excellent track record with modern operas.

A well-bred racing camel with an excellent track record can sell for a high price.

The auditions have an excellent track record of finding future stars.

Pernod has an excellent track record of turning around flagging brands.

But they have an excellent track record at predicting the Academy Awards.

"NASA has an excellent track record of resolving technical challenges," Dr. Griffin said.

Prof Aynsley-Green has an excellent track record of pushing forward children's interests and concerns.

It said: Ted Baker has an excellent track record of disciplined growth.

"Les Ebdon has an excellent track record and was enthusiastically endorsed by ministers," he said.

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