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'ever-changing landscape' is a perfectly correct and usable phrase in written English.
You can use it to refer to an evolving situation or when discussing physical or metaphorical landscapes. For example, you could say "The business world is an ever-changing landscape; it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies."
How should journalists cope with this ever-changing landscape?
This, and the shop's ever-changing landscape, was very appealing.
There is also the ever-changing landscape of the sport.
"In the ever-changing landscape of the music industry, it's important to make partnerships".
Further stages of memorialization included the ever-changing landscape of destruction at ground zero.
During the rare quiet moments, I gazed out the window at the ever-changing landscape.
"This page is intended to prompt understanding, insight, and healthy dialogue in the ever changing landscape of civil rights and social justice.
Externally, there is mounting frustration with the ever changing landscape of CSR tools and the usefulness of such tools in responding to real business needs, especially in the current hyper-competitive market context.
The symbiotic commercial partnership that is being forged between airlines and banks is prodigious and the industry has engineered a tool that harnesses noticeable returns which can significantly assist in sustaining the financial future in an ever changing landscape.
Over the years, olefins plants have evolved into highly integrated, highly flexible processing systems that can profitably adjust to ever changing landscape of raw material availability and market demand for high purity olefins products.
It's an ever changing landscape of written material with unknown sources.
Write better and faster with AI suggestions while staying true to your unique style.
Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @