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George V's abandonment of social aloofness conditioned the royal family's behaviour and enhanced its popularity during the economic crises of the 1920s and for over two generations thereafter.

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similar ( 58 )

The government continues to believe that it must use the language card to enhance its popularity with the predominantly Francophone electorate in order to cling to power.

The informal and improvised nature of her setup seems to enhance its popularity; at rush hour on a Thursday evening in April, her guests include everyone from a businessman in a tailored suit to a Pizza Hut employee stopping by after her shift just in time to get the dregs of the pot.

For example, the student-centered learning approach could be further explained and promoted to students in order to enhance its popularity and general acceptance.

But there's reason to think that the benefits of Obamacare -- preventive care, children on parents plans, lower premiums for most, no preexisting conditions barriers -- will keep enhancing its popularity.

The practicality and convenience of this approach may enhance its popularity.

Over the last years, KEGG PATHWAY has been significantly expanded with the addition of new pathways related to signal transduction, cellular process and disease (Kaneshia et al., 2008), enhancing its popularity built upon featuring traditional metabolic pathways.

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