Sentence examples for enable them to better from inspiring English sources


Such developments will enable them to better reflect the interests of students.

Her focus is to help people with chronic health problems — asthma, cancer, diabetes — learn life skills that enable them to better manage their conditions.

One decision Ms. Statkevicus has already made, she said, is to have her children grow up as friends with other children who lost their fathers at the World Trade Center, to enable them to better deal with the tragic legacy.

The funding for the programme is only for four years, so it seems the aim is to give farmers the resources and the advice to enable them to better secure their own futures.

Officers across the American military now receive resilience training before taking command positions, to enable them to better spot subordinates showing signs of emotional wear and tear and to better deal with it.

"This initiative will empower school leaders and teachers with the autonomy to make critical decisions and will enable them to better serve our students while ensuring there is a clear system of accountability for achieving results," he said.

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Most motorists here are also cyclists, which enables them to better anticipate the behaviour of cyclists in traffic.

One is that swearing aloud may distract people from their pain, enabling them to better tolerate it.

It has made a European war unthinkable and allowed states to pool their power, creating more opportunities and enabling them to better face the challenges ahead.

I know that some of the activities I engaged in with my clients enabled them to better come to terms with their unnecessary sexual shame, but I never helped them resolve childhood trauma.

Using the company's OWise app and web platform, patients can talk to their physicians and get advice about their drug regimes, enabling them to better manage their treatment plans.

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