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Sentence examples for efficient environment from inspiring English sources

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exact ( 22 )

Renewable energy is the solution for a safe and efficient environment for the new generations.

Cluster tools provide a flexible, reconfigurable, and efficient environment for semiconductor manufacturing.

In such an "efficient" environment, the only sensible thing we can say about the stock market is that it will continue to fluctuate from day to day, with no discernible pattern.

It is known that relative humidity below 50% provides the most efficient environment for protection of equipment and material.

The energy security and environmental problems impel people to explore a more efficient, environment friendly and economical energy utilization pattern.

Such protocol design work also provides a simple and efficient environment for investigating network storage characteristic and building new type of SAN over generic network infrastructure.

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similar ( 38 )

Most importantly, this method offers a preferable alternative for the efficient, environment-friendly and safer growth of coiled carbon nanotubes.

These energy efficient environments enable participating consumers to locally generate and share both electrical and thermal energy.

The main reason behind this interest is the capabilities of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they appear as seamlessly integrating classical networks, networked objects and people to create more efficient environments.

Fuel cells, which serve as a highly efficient, environment-friendly energy transformation system, have received intensive research and focus in transports, aerospace and communication equipment during these years [1, 2, 3].

The idea behind the legislation is startlingly simple: it would provide up to $4,500 in federal vouchers to Americans who trade in their old, gas-guzzling, polar bear-killing "clunker" cars for a more fuel efficient, environment-friendly alternative.

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