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Sentence examples for drawing on the documents from inspiring English sources

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Though scrutiny of this material continues, several books drawing on the documents have already illuminated the lives of Mediterranean Jewry.

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If you weren't noticing that or deciding to record it, it's gone". Lonsdorf can draw on the documents housed at Minnesota.

Drawing on the extensively documented (but hitherto unexplored) public record of the outbreak held at Forest Research and the National Archives, together with materials from retrospective interviews conducted by the authors with scientists and policymakers closely involved in the epidemic at the time, this paper presents a fresh analysis of Dutch Elm Disease in the UK.

The Guatemalan investigators drew on archived documents that the U.S. bioethics commission did not have access to, says commission executive director Valerie Bonham.

The nonnumber professors might draw on government documents and the historical record instead.

To cobble together a final document, they may draw on more recent documents like the ones adopted in South Africa.

Drawing on the original negotiating documents, he shows that this feature of the Constitution was not an act of evasion, as is sometimes thought, but a mark of its drafters' awareness in recognizing the need to permit the groups the time necessary to develop their own methods of working with one another over time.

Both draw on primary documents.

They also draw on government documents.

It drew on policy documents as a source of information, and in-depth qualitative interviews, as recommended elsewhere [ 23].

The Internet has made it easier than ever to trace roots, on sites like, which is a partner in "Who Do You Think You Are?" Mike Ward, the site's public relations director, said users had built 14 million family trees so far, drawing on the millions of census documents, draft cards, passenger lists and so on available there.

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