Sentence examples for crossed off the list from inspiring English sources

The phrase "crossed off the list" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it to indicate that someone has completed or finished a task on a list. For example: "I finally crossed off the last item on my to-do list today!".


Central and southern Harlem were crossed off the list.

Surrogacy agents were crossed off the list more than once for saying the wrong thing.

Thanks to Lam and co, one of them can now be crossed off the list.

Once a song's been listened to, it's crossed off the list until, presumably, everything's been heard.

"So speculation that he had been crossed off the list for other reasons is just nonsense".

"Don't know how many times," he growls, "I've been crossed off the list and left for dead".

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"It's another one to cross off the list".

To cross off the list: Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to the White House, scheduled for today.

One of my wise teachers told us that after 50, she began to cross off the list poses that she no longer felt made sense for her evolving body.

Believe me, I have tried very hard over the years to become a listmaker and have even occasionally succeeded in crossing off the list of tasks for the day.

But he's an obvious one you'd want to cross off the list.

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