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And yet in some sense, the crisp clarity of that phrase is belied, however inadvertently, by a burgeoning progressive movement to broaden the legal understanding of the term.
In this production Mr. Armstrong sang the lines with such crisp clarity and full-bodied sound that the situation he described seemed all the more creepy.
The recipe uses just a small amount of sugar and salt, allowing the vinegar's zing to highlight the crisp clarity of the purslane.
The text emerges with crisp clarity, which is just as well because the printed libretto that accompanies the discs is virtually illegible.
Gone, all gone is the crisp clarity of seasonal change -- now we must live with the unrelenting stress of mild weather, month after month.
There is something startling to the way Mitchell writes, particularly in this period – there is a keenness and a candour, a cool, crisp clarity to her lyrics.
In Mr. Farnes's performance, they were executed with crisp rhythmic clarity.
The dizzying, slightly crazed passage work, played here with crisp rhythmic clarity, seemed to be pointing the way to the scurrying, every-which-way counterpoint of Elliott Carter's 1945 Piano Sonata.
And his straightforward approach finds a crisp psychological clarity in the fog of war that allows us to enter these characters' heads, without any obvious polemical agenda blocking access.
When, in 2004, Daniel Boulud went looking for a new pastry chef for his main New York restaurant, someone in Paris suggested Ansel, and though on his arrival here he spoke scarcely a word of English — he now speaks it with crisp, aphoristic clarity — he had a very successful run in the high-end restaurant.
Mr. Boal staged this work for Pacific Northwest Ballet this year, and his hand was noticeable in the crisp articulation, clarity of phrasing and sense of fun that Noelani Pantastico and Olivier Wevers brought to the performance on Friday night, despite the somewhat uneven musical performances of the Stravinsky score for violin and piano.
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @