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State politicians were recalled from their holidays early in January 2014 and, with no comprehensive consultation with the live music industry, hoteliers or local council, a series of draconian laws were rushed though to deal with the Kings Cross "crisis".
Whilst socioeconomic surrogates may be able to assist conservation planners to identify regional-scale opportunities where conservation objectives may be met more easily, they cannot act as a shortcut for comprehensive consultation with communities, which will be required to identify actual sites for MPA implementation.
After comprehensive consultation with the client, agreement was reached that the announcement of this $14M Series A funding round was a prime opportunity to accomplish several important messaging tasks as the company transitioned from an engineering-centric early stage entity to a bona fide player.
One possible conclusion from the Europep results would be that AM physicians should give more advice on prevention of disease and CON physicians should have longer and perhaps more comprehensive consultations with their patients.
While the coalition government has undertaken an apparently comprehensive consultation exercise with the teaching profession and other stakeholders on the form and content of the curriculum, it is now clear that this has been a largely cosmetic exercise.
The forecast on all technologies for the year 2050 regarding technical and economic parameters was made in a comprehensive consultation process with more than 100 experts representing academia and industry working on all different technologies.
The proposed development plan is yet to be submitted to Glenorchy City Council, and Mona says the plans will undergo a comprehensive consultation process with the public.
We offer comprehensive consultation on the design of viral vector tools, providing help with the selection of a project- related serotype (AAV)/ pseudo-typed ICLV or IDLV vectors, cell- and tissue-specific expression.
Before construction, all infrastructure projects have to be legally approved, including a comprehensive consultation and participation process.
So having the consultation or a more comprehensive consultation [that was] being done at the same time.
This has encouraged a more comprehensive consultation addressing patient needs which otherwise may have been overlooked.
When I feel like I can't trust my brain 100%, Ludwig really comes in handy. It makes me translate and proofread faster and my output more reliable.
Claudia Letizia
Head Translator and Proofreader @ organictranslations.eu