Sentence examples for cater to the interests from inspiring English sources

The phrase "cater to the interests" is correct and usable in written English.
It can be used to describe when someone or something is providing something that a person or group of people needs so that their interests are met. For example, "The company's products are designed to cater to the interests of their target audience."


"The bill is designed to cater to the interests of the major landowners and the mining corporations.

The other is the growing tendency of policy and policy makers to cater to the interests of the wealthy.

They complain that the changes were done behind their backs, are meant to cater to the interests of television and major record labels and that they discriminate against ethnic minorities and performers of genres outside the mainstream.

But the migration of fish into the apartment building lobby reflects both a desire to cater to the interests of children in increasingly family-oriented areas like Battery Park City and a belief that the lobby should be a communal destination for residents, rather than a place where neighbors simply pass one another by.

As the interests of government increasingly cater to the interests and comforts of private, transnational capital, our cities and homes have become progressively more abstract and violent places, subject to the casual ravages of the next economic development or urban renewal scheme.

Consequently, the editorial board seeks submissions which are not only the product of sound scholarship but which cater to the interests and background of our audience.

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As the gap between the rich and the rest of the population grows, economic policy increasingly caters to the interests of the elite, while public services for the population at large -- above all, public education -- are starved of resources.

Stern's was sort of like an upper-class establishment which catered to the interests and needs of the most influential group of Jews in New York, the German Jews," he said.

In his first turn as prime minister, Mr. Jansa, a former dissident and columnist during the communist era, started a crackdown on the country's established news outlets, accusing journalists of bias and claiming that they had catered to the interests of the political elite, including many who were part of the former communist government.

Some 17m people visit its home-page every day and since January they have been able to customise it according to their own tastes.But Naver is also dominant too dominant, say some because it caters to the interests of South Koreans.

"Let's be honest about where we are today: a city that in too many ways has become a tale of two cities, a place where City Hall too often has catered to the interests of the elite rather than the needs of everyday New Yorkers," Mr. de Blasio said.

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