Sentence examples for breakdown of fees from inspiring English sources

"breakdown of fees" is a correct and usable phrase in written English.
You can use it to refer to a list of fees or charges that have been separated out into individual components. For example, "Please provide a detailed breakdown of fees associated with the project so that I can make an informed decision about whether to proceed."


I found more comprehensive figures on the NUJ's freelance fees guide, a detailed resource which provides a breakdown of fees by media category.

After the person inputs all the data, the system will then spit out a breakdown of fees, the interest rate and their new mortgage payment.


Ms. Stutz sent along a breakdown of the fees, and they include a custom user fee ($5.50), United States Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service fee ($5), immigration inspection fee ($7), a passenger service charge ($49.18) and $362 for "fuel and security".

A spokesman told me ongoing costs are paid for by the members, but there is no separate breakdown of additional fees such as security.

It is understandable that independent study is more relevant to some subjects than others, but surely the breakdown of tuition fees cannot then be the same across all courses.

Those questions span from basic inquiries about ownership to anti-money laundering precautions to a request for a detailed breakdown of the fees that consumers might incur.

From free tickets to football games and concerts to covering operating costs for the student union, the exact breakdown of these fees will vary greatly, but they often consist of at least a quarter of the cost of that section labeled "Tuition & Fees".

For many, a breakdown of tuition fee spending will include depressing news. offers a handy breakdown of the new fees by date, airline and amount.

At the end of the process, it will give you a recommended lender based on your preferences, together with a full breakdown of all the fees associated with the loan.

Advertising rules now require agents to publish a breakdown of all their fees online and in their offices.

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