Sentence examples for beyond impressed from inspiring English sources

"beyond impressed" is a correct and usable phrase in written English.
It can be used to describe something in a positive way, and is usually used to mean that the subject is even more impressed than usual. For example, "I was beyond impressed with the quality of the service I received at the restaurant."


Ms. Stone was beyond impressed.

The American golfer Stacy Lewis, who is ranked No. 2 and has been paired twice with Ko, said she was "beyond impressed" with Ko's game.

I am seriously beyond impressed.

People are beyond impressed when you have a rebuttal and you're not stuttering, period.

I was beyond impressed at Google I/O with everything that was shown off.

They didn't want to admit it, but they were beyond impressed.

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Beyond impressing your friends with your own, working version of Luke's Speeder Bike, at this point, the extent of the possible uses of this hyper-crossover vehicle are endless.

Neither is he beyond being impressed by his Hollywood friends.

He discovers how Jennet's appearance in the witness box cast its shadow way beyond Lancashire, impressing lawyers, politicians, clerics and even King James I himself, and setting a dark precedent for child testimony in witch trials as far away as America.

You're on top of your craft and often go above and beyond to impress your clients and customers.

Items like engagement rings are so emotionally charged; we want to make sure we're consistently going above and beyond to impress our customers.

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