Sentence examples for avoid further damages from inspiring English sources


Some property owners want to avoid further damages by hiring tree removal specialists.

Ensure the computer is not infected by malware or virus to avoid further damages to your SD card or the files deleted previously.


The unusual approach is meant to avoid further damage to relations with Egypt.

Care must be taken to avoid further damage to the reef during the cleanup process.

He suggested that the Pentagon stop issuing the annual report to avoid "further damage to the two sides' military relations".

Putin, however, will not meet with the delegation, apparently in an effort to avoid further damage to relations with Israel.

The City of London Corporation has temporarily suspended three parking bays to avoid further damage to cars.

Less than a week later, though, the president pushed him out to avoid further damage to Profeco's reputation.

While it's not possible to reverse this damage, eating acidic foods in moderation and practicing more preventive strategies can help you avoid further damage to your teeth.

This unusual approach is meant to avoid further damage to relations with Egypt, which have been strained by the inquiry, government officials say.

He trained for some 25 minutes at the World Cup stadium late on Wednesday but pulled out to avoid further damage, Wilmots said.

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