Sentence examples for assure uniformity from inspiring English sources

The phrase "assure uniformity" is correct and usable in written English.
It can be used in contexts where you want to express the act of ensuring consistency or sameness in a particular process or outcome.
Example: "The quality control team works diligently to assure uniformity in the production of our products."
Alternatives: "ensure consistency" or "guarantee uniformity".


"We are presented with a situation where a state court with the power to assure uniformity has ordered a statewide recount with minimal procedural safeguards," the opinion said.

Instead, we are presented with a situation where a state court with the power to assure uniformity has ordered a statewide recount with minimal procedural safeguards.

These standards assure uniformity in the degree candidates' manuscripts to be archived in the University Library, and ensure as well the widest possible dissemination of student-authored knowledge.

"We are presented with a situation where a state court with the power to assure uniformity has ordered a statewide recount with minimal procedural safeguards," the unsigned opinion read.

And as we point out, the very first provision in the election code requires the secretary of state to assure uniformity and consistency in the application and enforcement of the election law.

In order to assure uniformity, in light of the unavoidable delays in the state-by-state adoption process of Revised Article 8, Treasury is promulgating regulations with a limited form of preemption.

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After manual assessment and quality control, all 80 datasets described above were individually pre-processed (background correction, normalization and computation of expression values) according to methods described by Hubbell et al. (13) using the 'affy' R package from Bioconductor (14), which assures uniformity of the analysis process.

In order to assure the uniformity of sand deposition while filling, a dynamic cone penetrometer is employed at different location along the horizontal direction.

To assure the uniformity of data, only patients aged 0 18 years with diabetes entered the analysis.

At a minimum, analysts should assure the uniformity of outcome risk in collapsed categories before collapsing them.

Replicates were examined in the same greenhouse facility and plants were rotated in position on the greenhouse benches to assure environmental uniformity.

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