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The phrase "any other organizations" is correct and usable in written English.
It can be used when referring to additional organizations beyond those already mentioned or specified.
Example: "We are collaborating with several local charities and any other organizations that wish to join our cause."
Alternatives: "additional organizations" or "other entities".
Representatives of any other organizations would have to be shown the ballots, one by one.
The social advantages of the clubs are unequalled by any other organizations at the Institute.
"I'm not aware of any other organizations who are similarly situated to do this," Mr. Mason said of tribal giving.
"They would book every last slot, and we wouldn't be able to see clients from any other organizations," he says.
For as far as I know, the other labor camps were not guarded by SS or by any other organizations.
Grants were made to the diocese and the art museum in 2006, according to the foundation's tax records, but not to any other organizations.
I'm not a part of any other organization.
That was more money than any other organization contributed.
Best Friends, which is caring for more dogs than any other organization, received about $389,000.
The American Composers Orchestra has arguably done more to produce that increase than any other organization.
The paper's integrity guidelines say that facts gathered by any other organization must be attributed.
More suggestions(16)
any other enterprises
any other nations
any other partnerships
any other factions
any other combinations
any other authorities
any other programs
any other organisations
any other governmental
any other enterprise
any other organizational
any other program
any other entity
any other organization
any other individual
any other networks
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @