Sentence examples for also has some drawbacks from inspiring English sources

"also has some drawbacks" is a correct and usable phrase in written English.
You can use it to express that something has both positive and negative aspects. For example: E-learning, while convenient, also has some drawbacks such as the lack of face-to-face interaction.


Tame inflation also has some drawbacks.

This may be facilitated by a partially plastic design, which however also has some drawbacks like a possible permanent redistribution of the stresses after operating at high angular speeds and temperatures.

And it also has some drawbacks.

The depth image also has some drawbacks.

However, this approach also has some drawbacks.

However, OpenFlow also has some drawbacks.

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But open systems also have some drawbacks.

3-D printed models also have some drawbacks.

However, two abovementioned methods also have some drawbacks.

Problems associated with these methods include the flattening of the nipple and the fading of the tattoo, and implants also have some drawbacks.

Whilst the inclusion of economic, social and cultural rights obligations in ceasefire agreements has many advantages, they unfortunately also have some drawbacks.

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