Sentence examples for almost twice as many from inspiring English sources

The phrase 'almost twice as many' is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it when comparing two numerical values, similar to the example below: I had almost twice as many participants this year than last year at my conference.


That is almost twice as many as in 1976.

Thirty-five homesoldld in that range, almost twice as many as last year.

Half of American households now own mutual funds, almost twice as many as in 1992.

That is almost twice as many as died in the first world war.

Last year almost 400,000 people were displaced, almost twice as many as in 2014.

At full strength, it has 28 judges, almost twice as many as the next biggest circuit.

"Look at Pedro Martinez -- he's hit 11 men this year, almost twice as many as Roger.

That's almost twice as many as in the Illinois General Assembly, which ranks second.

COSOPT identified almost twice as many unique rhythmic transcripts as found by HAYSTACK.

The A. thaliana genome encodes 19 SR proteins, almost twice as many as in humans [ 18, 19].

African Americans comprised 42% of the TNBC patients in this study, almost twice as many as Whites.

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Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak

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