Sentence examples for advise you of your options from inspiring English sources

The phrase "advise you of your options" is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it when informing someone about the different choices or alternatives available to them.
Example: "After reviewing your case, I would like to advise you of your options regarding the next steps."
Alternatives: "inform you of your options" or "let you know your choices".


Criminal defense attorneys who concentrate their practice on criminal defense often know the prosecutors involved, can get concessions that other attorneys miss, have probably handled cases similar to yours and can better advise you of your options.

There are many forms of Heartworm prevention medications available and your veterinarian can advise you of your options.[32].


If this can be done with vegetarian cat food, go to it; a vet can advise you of your feline nutrition options.

This 3rd party administrator is required by law to advise you of your rights and consequences.

If you hate jogging, can't cook or have other issues it is better they know so they can advise you of alternate options.

Your doctor will advise you of the best way to reduce and stop your use of prescription sleeping pills.

Your doctor will advise you of what is appropriate.

Your doctor will advise you of an appropriate meeting regime.

You should consult with a qualified attorney who can review the terms of the trust and advise you as to your options under the terms of the trust.

They will be able to advise you as to your financial options.

Your local computer store staff person should be able to advise you on the best option for your needs.. You'll need to set up your IP address to stay the same.

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