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The phrase 'address their concerns' is correct and usable in written English.
You can use it when you are talking about responding to someone's worries or questions. For example: "My boss asked me to address their concerns about the project timeline."
He is trying to address their concerns".
Reuben promised to address their concerns.
What are you doing to address their concerns?
Mr. Boehner's aides said he promised the group that he would try to address their concerns.
"We're working with the government of Pakistan to address their concerns".
I believe we can address their concerns without going over the line".
The Agriculture Department said the food processors should work with Syngenta to address their concerns.
He has been meeting with religious leaders around the country to address their concerns.
"Labor protections would offer workers more economic security and safe avenues to address their concerns.
He and his colleagues will be lobbying government to address their concerns.
"We have gone the extra mile to address their concerns," he said in an interview.
More suggestions(15)
address their reservations
settle their concerns
address their objections
address their difficulties
address their suspicions
alleviate their concerns
identify their concerns
address their aspirations
accommodate their concerns
address their impacts
address their questions
resolving their concerns
addressing their concerns
counter their concerns
address their attention
Write better and faster with AI suggestions while staying true to your unique style.
Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @