Sentence examples for a personalized manner from inspiring English sources


This knowledge will allow mechanism-based design of novel therapeutic interventions in AD and promises coherent implementation of treatment in a personalized manner.

We believe dynamic network modeling can be used to drive treatment decision-making in a personalized manner to direct improved treatments in cancer.

"App developers can then leverage that insight to interact with users in a personalized manner and customize the content they receive.

Delivering news digitally in a personalized manner is a nut many a startup – as well as many established Internet companies and publishers – are desperately trying to crack.

This variability sprouted the ambitious goal to improve therapeutic outcomes, while minimizing drug adverse effects through stratification of patients by the differences in their disease markers, in a personalized manner, as opposed to the strategy of "one therapy fits all".

Should the individualization process be limited to glycemic target or other cardiovascular factors (for instance, hypertension) or must it be addressed in a personalized manner as well?

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Great customer care is defined by the ability to serve customers in a bespoke, personalized manner, providing an experience that is exactly right for each unique customer.

"We founded Commerce Sciences with the vision of revolutionizing the online experience by enabling websites to engage with each visitor in a truly personalized manner, resulting in a drastic improvement of the on-site experience and greater monetization," said Aviv Revach, Founder & CEO of Commerce Sciences, in a statement.

It also learns what information you need at your fingertips, and surfaces that more proactively, and in a more personalized manner over time.

Samsung is updating its Samsung +app to a new 3.0 version, with features aimed at helping people navigate their Galaxy phones and tablets to get issues resolved in a quick, personalized manner.

Banks that win in this competitive environment are the ones that can develop an intimate understanding of their customers' expectations, and have the capabilities to meet those needs in a more personalized manner.

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Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak quote

Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak

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