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Sentence examples for a flow of people from inspiring English sources

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The phrase 'a flow of people' is both correct and usable in written English. You can use it to describe a large number of people moving in the same direction, like a river of people. For example, "As the parade began, a flow of people lined the streets, cheering and waving flags.".

exact ( 19 )

Outside the station, a flow of people was heading toward the down escalator.

The Socialist president said it was in both countries' interests to ensure a flow of people.

You see a flow of people coming in to buy drugs.

"It is the demand that draws a flow of people and a dark underground sex-trafficking industry".

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similar ( 41 )

"There was a flow of interested people coming out of that connection".

Another inspired idea: renting space on the third floor to Wilhelmina Models, guaranteeing a flow of gorgeous people through the lobby.

When I first started going I was always lost in there, doubling back upstream like a salmon against a determined flow of people, making the mistake of stopping to chat with friends coming towards me in our opposing undulating drifts.

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