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More theoretical work as well as experimental studies need to be done before a conclusion can be drawn.
Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that the presence of extra components and difference in fluid properties of CCM compared to water have a significant effect on the glucose diffusion coefficient in the tissue engineering membranes and scaffolds.
By comparing the spectrum of the pressure and vibration movement through experiments, a conclusion can be drawn that the inlet pressure fluctuation near the natural frequency of armature assembly and the asymmetric structure of pilot stage are the necessary and sufficient conditions to make the armature assembly yield forced vibration.
Thus, a conclusion can be drawn that UANs are single crystalline nanostructure arrays with good alignment.
A conclusion can be drawn that (w_{0}) is not suitable as the initial function.
Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that RRSS consumes less energy while providing an accurate estimation.
By a slightly different argument a similar conclusion can be drawn when not a scaled sum combination function but a logistic combination function is chosen.
A similar conclusion can be drawn from a study by Ott & Jäncke (2013).
A similar conclusion can be drawn from a comparison of the two yeast metabolic networks that were used in building a consensus network [ 24].
A similar conclusion can be drawn noticing a larger dispersion in the recordings with 280 nm particles versus 410 nm particles electrophoretically passing through a 1.3 μm pore (pore 5 in Figure 4).
Different conclusions have been drawn in literature as using reanalysis rainfall products to drive hydrological models for the simulation of streamflow, which warrant a need of further investigation before a generalised conclusion can be drawn.
More suggestions(17)
a conclusion can be considered
a conclusion can be made
a conclusion can be reached
a line can be drawn
a pension can be drawn
a lot can be drawn
a reserve can be drawn
a demarcation can be drawn
a conclusion can be used
a conclusion can be validated
a comparison can be drawn
a system can be drawn
a strategy can be drawn
a contrast can be drawn
a square can be drawn
a picture can be drawn
a bond can be drawn
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Since I tried Ludwig back in 2017, I have been constantly using it in both editing and translation. Ever since, I suggest it to my translators at ProSciEditing.
Justyna Jupowicz-Kozak
CEO of Professional Science Editing for Scientists @