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Sentence examples for I have asked him that from inspiring English sources

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The part of the sentence "I have asked him that" is correct and usable in written English. You could use it in a variety of contexts, such as when you want to indicate you already asked someone a question. For example, you could say, "Yesterday I asked him if he could help me with my project, and I have asked him that multiple times since then, but he hasn't responded yet."

exact (1)

JUDGE KLEIN: I have asked him that question myself, yesterday.

The New Yorker
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Asked why not, Isaacson told CBS: "I've asked him that and he said: 'I didn't want my body to be opened, I didn't want to be violated in that way.' He's regretful about it".

Because just mere minutes after I had asked him that, my night nurse came in and hurriedly explained that they needed to take my brand new baby boy literally out of my arms and rush him to the NICU.

One of the questions I had asked him that night was to elaborate on his theory of reductionism, boiling things down to their fundamental truths and then reasoning up from there and to provide an example of this theory in practice.

So, it is with some very genuine regret that I have asked him to no longer write his column for the magazine".

"I remember thinking, maybe I should have asked him that before I started writing," Frank recalled with a wry laugh.

I should have asked him that.

I would never have asked him that". When Maya keeps probing, Ammar says: "I did see him once about a year ago in Kuwait.

I would never have asked him that".

During my meeting with the Mayor, I had asked him whether that thought characterized the spirit in which he'd run City Hall.

"He has done what I've asked him to do and that is to continue to dive into the backgrounds and surroundings and makeup of student-athletes we recruit," Hathaway said.

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