If you are not a native speaker, one of the main struggles, when you have to write professionally in English, is that your vocabulary is probably not so ample. Finding the proper words to describe things is an essential prerequisite to express your concepts clearly and concisely. But even when your English is already fluent, it is a good habit to always strive to learn new words. This will help you avoid repetition when writing, making your style smoother.

What the paraphrase advanced operator is and how to use it

The paraphrase advanced operator by Ludwig allows you to find a range synonyms for a chosen word. For example, if you wrote: “the aim of the present paper is”, but you are using the word “aim” also in the next sentence, in order to improve your text, you  need to find a synonym for the word “aim”.

So, reach the homepage of Ludwig and write your sentence into the main bar, then add an underscore immediately before the word you want to paraphrase. For example

The _aim of the present paper is

At this point, Ludwig will provide you a number of alternatives, such as:

The purpose of the present paper is
The goal of the present paper is
The object of the present paper is
Ludwig, Advanced operator, paraphrase

Moreover, Ludwig will also show you the percentage of use of every single expression and concrete examples taken from reliable sources, such as encyclopedias, important journals, or scientific papers. In this way, you will be able to choose - in an informed and reasoned way -  the expression that best suits your needs. Definitely much better than a simple thesaurus!

Ludwig’s wrap up

Enriching your vocabulary is a key that will open you countless doors. Thanks to the paraphrase advanced operator by Ludwig, you can find the best synonyms to craft your texts, making your writing smoother and more engaging. This allows you to effectively communicate what you actually want to say.

P.S. Keep also in mind that if you do not come up with the perfect words to write your ideas, the asterisk advanced operator can provide you an invaluable help.